Father’s Day Gift Bag – By Donna @ Edmonton Store


Here’s what you will need





 Here’s what you’ll do


  1. On a white sheet of paper, use a ruler to draw the shape for the shirt. 
  2. Cut out and hot glue to front top center of black gift bag.
  3. Make a bow tie out of a small strip of the 1” black satin and attach with hot glue. 
  4. Cut out 3 little squares from the metallic studded ribbon and glue on for buttons. 
  5. To create the #1 DAD ribbon, cut a circle shape out of an extra large white tag and attach 2 strips of the 1” white satin.  Glue on to bag. 
  6. Place your tissue inside and of course your gift for Dad


Glenda Semotiuk
Glenda Semotiuk


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