Low profile centerpiece – By Glenda @ Edmonton store

What you will need
- 1- 10x10x21/2 inch Kraft box
- 4- 3x3x3 inch Kraft boxes
- 2 - cups of Kraft shred
- 3 - 12 inch strips of 21/2 inch Gold Satin Ribbon
- 5 - 12 inch, and 4 , 16 inch strips of 1 inch Ivory Satin Ribbon
- 2- 40 inch strips of 1 inch Gold Satin Ribbon
- 8 - 12 inch, 4, 16 inch, and 1, 40 inch, strips of Olive Grosgrain Ribbon
- 1- each decorative picks such as ; Butterfly, Bird, flowers, and Fruit.
Scissors and Glue stick
What to do
- Evenly space the 2 ½ inch strips of Gold Ribbon on the top of the 10 inch box. Glue in place.
- Follow with the Ivory Satin strips and the Olive Grosgrain.
- Wrap the 2- 40 inch strips of the Gold Satin around the box, gluing in place. Follow with the Olive grosgrain.
- With the 3x3x3 Kraft boxes, fold the side flaps and the lid down into the box.
- Around the outside of the boxes, glue the 1 inch Ivory satin and the Olive Grosgrain
- Lightly pack Kraft Shred into each box.
- Center the 4, 3x3x3 boxes on top of the Ribbon covered 10 inch box.
- Arrange the flowers, fruit, birds and butterflies on top of the 4 boxes.

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Joanna Palmer