Santa’s Mailbox – By Donna @ Edmonton

Here’s what you will need


Here’s what you’ll do   


  1. Before setting the gable box together, slip a piece of cardboard underneath where you want to make your slit for the mail slot. 
  2. Using a ruler, score a line about 5” long (go over several times to create a slot).
  3. Now set the box together and measure amount of black satin needed for Santa’s belt and hot glue around box. 
  4. Cut strips of the faux jewel metallic ribbon and hot glue on for buckle. 
  5. Using black felt, write “Santa’s Mail” on the tag. 
  6. Cut a small strip of grosgrain, tie around tag and then on to the box.
  7. Set “Santa’s Mailbox” in your classroom, office or at home to collect letters for Santa.


Glenda Semotiuk
Glenda Semotiuk


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